
Increase Vitamin C From These Top Foods

You’re probably aware vitamin C is great for your immune system. But did you know it’s great for your bones, cartilage, and teeth, too? And you probably know high levels of vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits. But did you know high levels of vitamin C can be found in other foods? Check out this list of five, non-citrus foods that contain high levels of vitamin C.

1. Broccoli

When you add broccoli to your diet, you get more vitamin C. And you get high levels of calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium. If you aren’t a big broccoli fan, you should try eating a broccoli casserole or enjoy the cruciferous vegetable with a cheese dipping sauce.

2. Chili Peppers

Did you know chili peppers have high levels of vitamin C?  This vegetable also can improve your digestive system, joint pain, and migraines. Two of your most popular options are to use them in chili and salsa. And if you are worried about heat levels, you should know chili peppers are not as hot as other peppers.

3. Kale

Grab your skillet, some lemon juice, and cayenne pepper and cook up some kale. If you prefer to enjoy it another way, you could boil it or eat it raw. You can even make kale soup. Not only will you get high levels of vitamin C, but you also get fiber, protein, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Your brain will benefit, too, since this leafy green also contains high folate levels.

4. Mustard Spinach

Another leafy vegetable, mustard spinach is packed with nutritional value for you. You will get those high levels of vitamin C, and you will get high levels of fiber, iron, and potassium. You also have a veggie that is packed with flavor. This vegetable native to Japan is great to add to other greens for extra spice with its peppery taste. It also is great when boiled in a pot and served as a side for proteins.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a very popular vegetable, and you can find them used in all kinds of food products. But as familiar as you likely are with all the different ways you can enjoy them, did you know tomatoes are high in vitamin C? They also have other benefits for you. You will get high levels of vitamin A, calcium, and potassium, too.

For a longer list of the benefits of vitamin C, click here.

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